Drug Alternatives

Alternatives for Formulary Drug Alternatives!

Alternatives for Formulary Drug Alternatives!

With two methods to distribute formulary alternatives, payers can increase patient satisfaction and lower costs by including credible alternatives in data used in physician prescribing.  Payers are missing opportunities to better inform patients and providers and this article delves into the opportunities to improve drug alternative information as a method to lower patient and payer drug costs.

Using EHR Formulary Data to Provide Alternatives, Improve/Elevate Care, and Increase Patient Satisfaction

Using EHR Formulary Data to Provide Alternatives, Improve/Elevate Care, and Increase Patient Satisfaction

Better prescription choices result in savings for both payers and patients. Formulary data in the electronic health record (EHR) offers a frontline strategy for helping providers make prescription choices that yield savings while improving patient care, increasing patient satisfaction, and elevating payer star ratings.

The Missing Gap to Drug Savings: Physician Understanding of Formulary and Benefit Information within EHRs

The Missing Gap to Drug Savings: Physician Understanding of Formulary and Benefit Information within EHRs

Equipping EHRs with actionable information and arming physicians with training to find that information are critical for reducing prescription costs for payers and patients.

How Health Benefit Consultants Can Save Employers $88 Per Member Per Year on Prescription Costs

How Health Benefit Consultants Can Save Employers $88 Per Member Per Year on Prescription Costs

Health benefit consultants can help their clients save up to $88 per member per year on prescription spending by sending actionable drug data to doctors. By partnering with BenMedica, consultants can reduce their employers’ and members’ Rx costs, increase medication adherence, and improve patient outcomes.

Achieving Pharmacy Benefit Savings Today Before Real-Time Tools Arrive

Achieving Pharmacy Benefit Savings Today Before Real-Time Tools Arrive

Employers and health plans are missing significant prescription savings opportunities available today through improved formulary and benefit data.  Enhancing patient benefit data leads to better information at the point of prescribing, improves drug cost management, and creates savings now for both payers and patients.